
Sch’el̓ḵ’s is a big boulder on Erwin Point in West Vancouver near Horseshoe Bay. Different Squamish legends tell of how the boulder got there. One version of the legend is that X̱aays, the Transformers, were camping at Point Grey when one of them decided he was going to knock the top off a mountain he […]

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St’éx̱w’t’eḵw’s is a word that means “sheared off”. The story goes that there were two sínulhḵay̓ (double-headed serpents) going in opposite directions – one was going up Howe Sound and the other was coming down. They collided at St’éx̱w’t’eḵw’s and one of the sínulhḵay̓’s heads came off. Other versions of this story say that the […]

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